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Bacquet's French Restaurant Eagle ID

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 341 reviews about Bacquet's French Restaurant
City: Eagle ID

Bacquet's French Restaurant Description

Bacquet's French Restaurant in Eagle ID falls under the category of Restaurants in Eagle ID with a rating of 4.6 by users. Bacquet's French Restaurant located at 1117 E Winding Creek Dr #150, Eagle, ID 83616, United States. Bacquet's French Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -116.3394981, latitude — 43.6940271.

Bacquet's French Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (208) 577-6238 or visit Bacquet's French Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Bacquet's French Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Bacquet's French Restaurant

Photo of Bacquet's French Restaurant 1 Photo of Bacquet's French Restaurant 2 Photo of Bacquet's French Restaurant 3
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Reviews of Bacquet's French Restaurant

Colleen Sollars

On Thursday night we stepped into what felt like a Paris Bistro and were greeted at the door by Chef/Owner Franck Bacquet himself as the live music provided a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Our waitress Kim was very knowledgeable about the menu which changes daily depending on what's fresh. She guided us to the "wine library" where Chef Franck himself helped us to pick the perfect bottle of wine to compliment our chosen dishes. We started with the Seafood Flat Bread as our appetizer course and it was excellent. I had the Lamb and my mother had the Veal. Both were perfectly prepared and delicious. We finished with a shared chocolate mousse that was light as air and some espresso. It was a perfect meal and we'll be back again 4SURE.

Jeff McCarthy

Excellent food. Charming chef. Bought an expensive bottle of wine and they said while it decanted they would bring us a glass of champagne. Didn't really think anything of it but when the bill came, those glasses of champagne were $40! I will repeat, the food was excellent. However, the bill for 2 people came to over $400 (with a good bottle of wine). It was a big chunk more than expected. Inflation? Or unreasonable expectations? Not sure but felt like we didn't get our money's worth. Still, we will go back but with a sharper eye on the costs.

Glenn Wallace

We were met at the door by the chef's wife and co-owner. The restaurant in very colorful & cute with original artwork by the chef. The service was excellent. The menu has many very good sounding choices that make it difficult to choose. I started off with their famous French onion soup. I thought it was very good but not great or the best I've ever had. I followed it up with the house specialty, an assortment of shell fish over pasta in a nice broth with garlic bread. I thought the broth was a little bland. The portion was gigantic with a lot of the shellfish. I'm a big eater and could barely get past half the serving. I took it home and the next day the broth was more tastey. My wife had veal that she liked very much. It was also a huge portion and was great the next day. Their wine menu is unique and very interesting, with an explanation of the wines, that included tastings at the serving bar. We had a really nice experience at a cute place. We are looking forward to trying it again.

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1117 E Winding Creek Dr #150, Eagle, ID 83616, United States