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Bardea Steak North Star DE

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.7 with 6 reviews about Bardea Steak

Bardea Steak Description

Bardea Steak in North Star DE falls under the category of Restaurants in North Star DE with a rating of 4.7 by users. Bardea Steak located at 608 N Market St, Wilmington, DE 19801, United States. Bardea Steak Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -75.549756, latitude — 39.742174.

Bardea Steak operates from . For more information, please call on (302) 550-9600 or visit Bardea Steak Website. If you have ever been to Bardea Steak, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Bardea Steak

Photo of Bardea Steak 1 Photo of Bardea Steak 2 Photo of Bardea Steak 3
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Reviews of Bardea Steak

Bob Palagye

Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful, did I mention this steakhouse is far above anything you have ever experienced. The staff and culinary masters lead by the "Superstar " chef Antimo will provide you with the finest dining ever. 5☆☆☆☆☆'s.

Beatričė Želvytė

The food was absolutely delicious. However, the service was supbar and thereby earning only 3 stars. Unfortunately, the bar was set higher because of the expectation for a fine dining experience. I enjoyed every last bite of the food that was served. I also appreciated the descriptions as the individual dishes were served. Unfortunately, the seating and service was something to be desired. I was a walk-in on a Wednesday evening as a tourist passing thru Wilmington for a day, therefore, I did not have a reservation. I was told at entry that table seating requires a reservation and I could only sit at the bar. During my dining experience, there were multiple tables, including one and two person tables that stayed vacant; I even discovered I had the ability to book a reservation online for 15 mins from that moment, yet was not informed that was an option. It seems like reservation and seating process is ineficient and unfair to patrons. The bar service required me multiple times to request one item or another, even though there were two bartenders behind the bar at most times. Overall, the menu is absolutely fantastic and unique, but the service was not the fine dining experience one would expect from a five-star restaurant.

James Doolittle

Great vibes, bested by an insane selection of meat, and Delaware's best bartenders. In fact.......startenders they are.

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608 N Market St, Wilmington, DE 19801, United States