Billy Crews Fine Dining Santa Teresa NM
Billy Crews Fine Dining Description
Billy Crews Fine Dining in Santa Teresa NM falls under the category of Restaurants in Santa Teresa NM with a rating of 4.4 by users. Billy Crews Fine Dining located at 1200 Country Club Rd, Santa Teresa, NM 88008, United States. Billy Crews Fine Dining Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -106.6211111, latitude — 31.8461111.
Billy Crews Fine Dining operates from . For more information, please call on (575) 589-2071 or visit Billy Crews Fine Dining Website. If you have ever been to Billy Crews Fine Dining, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Billy Crews Fine Dining
Reviews of Billy Crews Fine Dining
Alberto Herrera
Service sucks!
Billy Crews is just a fantastic steakhouse & dining experience. The steaks and entrees are delicious and the wine list is truly the best in the southwest. Go there with friends and family and enjoy a relaxed fine dining experience and leave there happy and full. You won't be disappointed and you will look forward to going back again. It's a gem!
Bill Tepsick
I have eaten there many times, one of the best, if not the best, steakhouses in the area!!!!! Kids taking me there to celebrate my 75th birthday soon!!! Food and service are great, huge wine list. They also have a great lounge. Give them a try sometime.