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Boxcar Cantina Byram CT

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.3 with 253 reviews about Boxcar Cantina
City: Byram CT

Boxcar Cantina Description

Boxcar Cantina in Byram CT falls under the category of Restaurants in Byram CT with a rating of 4.3 by users. Boxcar Cantina located at 44 Old Field Point Rd, Greenwich, CT 06830, United States. Boxcar Cantina Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -73.635352, latitude — 41.020743.

Boxcar Cantina operates from . For more information, please call on (203) 661-4774 or visit Boxcar Cantina Website. If you have ever been to Boxcar Cantina, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Boxcar Cantina

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Reviews of Boxcar Cantina

Jim McClafferty

Always a great meal. Fresh ingredients, creative combinations, prepared quickly. Great service. I've been coming here for years. One of my favorites!

Diana McCaughey

UPDATED REVIEW**** I went back to Boxcar Cantina this past Friday and had a great experience. We ordered guacamole and salsa to share. The serving size of the guacamole is still small for the cost, but we are in Greenwich and also in an insane economy. I ordered the Mexican Salad with Grilled Organic Chile-Crusted Salmon (instead of the chicken it comes with), and my fiancé ordered the Beef Burrito. The food was very good. I especially liked the organic options. What made the night amazing was the excellent service. Both the waiter and host were very friendly. I did not respond to the owner to give a heads up I was coming, as I did not want to receive special treatment in hopes that I updated my review. This will be a regular spot for us in the future. I love the relaxed environment. Perfect for a Friday night after a long work week. Initial Review: I ordered guacamole and chips to go. $16 for a tiny (approx. 4oz) serving of guacamole. Insanely overpriced. The guacamole was pretty bland and lacking both texture and flavor. It was literally only avocado and possibly a little cilantro. I don't think I have ever written a restaurant review before. I understand everything is more expensive, but this was absurd. I looked at the menu after I picked up my food. The rest of the menu is more reasonably priced. My fiancé wants to go back for dine in service. I am hoping it will be better. If so, I will update my review.


I stopped in and tried the flank steak taco special this weekend. The steak was a little more well done than I’m used to but the flavor was pretty good with the salsa that came with it. I wish they would’ve double wrapped the corn tortillas. By the time I got to my second one they had split and were falling apart. Everyone at our table really seemed pleased with what they ordered. Chicken tortilla soup was a very large portion and the veggie fajitas were massive. The margaritas seemed a little off to me. I’m not sure if that’s how they come but it seemed like they needed some agave nectar to cut the bitter to me. Overall, It was pretty good. There were a few things now that I know to ask for like extra tortillas or flour for the juicy tacos and some agave nectar in my marg. It was definitely busy early though. Make sure you get there early.

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44 Old Field Point Rd, Greenwich, CT 06830, United States