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Captain Jack's Island Grill Lahaina HI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.4 with 1267 reviews about Captain Jack's Island Grill
City: Lahaina HI

Captain Jack's Island Grill Description

Captain Jack's Island Grill in Lahaina HI falls under the category of Restaurants in Lahaina HI with a rating of 4.4 by users. Captain Jack's Island Grill located at 672 Front St, Lahaina, HI 96761, United States. Captain Jack's Island Grill Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -156.677517, latitude — 20.87262.

Captain Jack's Island Grill operates from . For more information, please call on (808) 667-0988 or visit Captain Jack's Island Grill Website. If you have ever been to Captain Jack's Island Grill, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Captain Jack's Island Grill

Photo of Captain Jack's Island Grill 1 Photo of Captain Jack's Island Grill 2 Photo of Captain Jack's Island Grill 3
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Reviews of Captain Jack's Island Grill

Elizabeth C.

We’ve been going to Capt. Jack’s for years. Always loved the food & atmosphere. But a couple of weeks ago some friends of ours who are on island for 60-90 days every year when to the restaurant & ordered wings (which we have all have raved about in the past) & told us how very tiny the wings are & for the same price. So, well we thought maybe it was just a temporary supply issue. However, tonight we decided on a double takeout order of wings. Where in the heck are you guys getting these wings? They look like they came off of a Cornish game hen, seriously. We opened the 2 boxes & were shocked & disappointed. If your price point doesn’t allow you to serve the same product then raise your price. But for heaven’s sake, stop serving these pathetic little things.

Kevin Oberman

Our first visit to Captain Jack's. Considering how often we've eaten at its sibling, Crazy Cat, I can't explain how we've never made it there, but I'm sure we'll be back. Service by the very appropriately named Athena was great. My Philly Cheesesteak was outstanding! I've never been fond of wedge-cut fries, but these were actually pretty good. Reasonably priced (which, this being Hawaii, does not mean cheap) good food in a really fun place means we will probably be eating there again while we're on Maui.

Sarah S

What an adorable place to have some cocktails and people-watch. Our server was FABULOUS and I'm pretty certain she did something extra special on my bill. Drinks were great, the burrito was phenomenal. It's directly across from Banyon Park and the passenger ferry. So much fun, I wish we could've stayed longer!

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672 Front St, Lahaina, HI 96761, United States