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Casapulla's Glasgow Subs Glasgow DE

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.1 with 337 reviews about Casapulla's Glasgow Subs
City: Glasgow DE

Casapulla's Glasgow Subs Description

Casapulla's Glasgow Subs in Glasgow DE falls under the category of Restaurants in Glasgow DE with a rating of 4.1 by users. Casapulla's Glasgow Subs located at 2480 Glasgow Ave, Newark, DE 19702, United States. Casapulla's Glasgow Subs Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -75.744788, latitude — 39.602604.

Casapulla's Glasgow Subs operates from . For more information, please call on (302) 834-7400 or visit Casapulla's Glasgow Subs Website. If you have ever been to Casapulla's Glasgow Subs, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Casapulla's Glasgow Subs

Photo of Casapulla's Glasgow Subs 1 Photo of Casapulla's Glasgow Subs 2 Photo of Casapulla's Glasgow Subs 3
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Reviews of Casapulla's Glasgow Subs

mark dally

I called there Saturday night at 6:30, several times. No answer. So I drove there in 10 minutes. I asked if their phones were down, the girl said no, we were busy. I ordered a large Italian with prosciutto. She said the meat slicers were down for the night so they couldn't cut the meat. They close 7:00 o'clock. That's what you get when you have a bunch of kids running a store. Went to Malins deli and got an excellent roast beef sub, 2" bigger for the same price.

Joe G

The best Italian subs in Delaware and worth every penny of gas from Maryland!

rick dickerson

This is the 1st time in at least 10-15 yrs and what a disappointment. To me it has become a Subway but ALOT more EXPENSIVE. I told myself to try it and I will never go back again. They are skimpy on the meat and the hard roll didn't match up with the meat, I got at 12in Italian for $13.95. I am pretty sure if I went to Subway could of got more because they put 4 pieces of each meat on their subs.

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2480 Glasgow Ave, Newark, DE 19702, United States