Chester's Lander WY
Chester's Description
Chester's in Lander WY falls under the category of Restaurants in Lander WY with a rating of 5 by users. Chester's located at S 7th St, Lander, WY 82520, United States. Chester's Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -108.7398173, latitude — 42.8342582.
Chester's operates from . For more information, please call on or visit Chester's Website. If you have ever been to Chester's, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Chester's
Reviews of Chester's
William Dechert
Picked up chicken a few times. It's always been a straightforward, quick, concise purchase. Precisely how I like it. Keep up the good work!
Chester's chicken is served at the hot food counter of Mr. D's supermarket. The service was prompt and cordial. The chicken was crispy on the outside and both tender and moist on the inside. The pieces were large and the seasoning was very tasty. I got the 3 piece meal which provided more than enough food to satisfy me for dinner and breakfast the next day. The prices are much more reasonable than the major fried chicken chains. The other dishes at the Mr. D's hot food counter looked good. I only wish I had a few more days in Lander to try them.
Landen Brown