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Cranky Pat's Pizza Neenah WI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.5 with 1435 reviews about Cranky Pat's Pizza
City: Neenah WI

Cranky Pat's Pizza Description

Cranky Pat's Pizza in Neenah WI falls under the category of Restaurants in Neenah WI with a rating of 4.5 by users. Cranky Pat's Pizza located at 905 S Commercial St, Neenah, WI 54956, United States. Cranky Pat's Pizza Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -88.4653296, latitude — 44.170688.

Cranky Pat's Pizza operates from . For more information, please call on (920) 725-2662 or visit Cranky Pat's Pizza Website. If you have ever been to Cranky Pat's Pizza, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Cranky Pat's Pizza

Photo of Cranky Pat's Pizza 1 Photo of Cranky Pat's Pizza 2 Photo of Cranky Pat's Pizza 3
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Reviews of Cranky Pat's Pizza

Carm grca

Great place to stop in and have a meal or a couple drinks. I have heard great reviews from friends for Cranky Pat's since moving into the area a few years ago but never really ventured in. Today I took the time and the reviews are honest and true. The food, atmosphere and service was absolutely fantastic. We ordered a meal for a child and two adults and the price was perfect for the amount of food received. The drinks were great but let's get back to the food. The food was hot and fresh per order and the pizza chef was making the pizza dough with fresh ingredients as you ordered. The restaurant and the staff deserve all the wonderful reviews they receive and this is a definite place to visit and enjoy.

Eric Erickson

Excellent food and service!!! Yes it is a little pricey but I will gladly pay for the quality over a chain stores. They make their own sausage in house and have been using the same family recipe for over 50 years must be doing something right. Temporarily closed on Sundays.

Ryan Vaughan

I understand that times are tough and running a business isn't easy but if you are unable to make a menu item because of supply issues just remove it, we will understand. When I ordered my $15 chicken sandwich that had two kids chicken tenders fried in weeks old oil and a tablespoon of shredded iceberg lettuce and diced tomatoes usually found as a decorative garnish on refried beans I was unimpressed to say the least. The pizza on the table next to us looked as it would have when I visited last fall so maybe they can still toss a good pizza but so can basically any big name pizza chain that will give you a passable sandwich for half the price. I'm not abandoning one of my favorite pizza joints as of yet but I don't see myself going back until the economy bounces back, I hope they can hold out that long.

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905 S Commercial St, Neenah, WI 54956, United States