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Da Pineapple Grill Rexburg ID

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 1475 reviews about Da Pineapple Grill
City: Rexburg ID

Da Pineapple Grill Description

Da Pineapple Grill in Rexburg ID falls under the category of Restaurants in Rexburg ID with a rating of 4.6 by users. Da Pineapple Grill located at 383 S 2nd St W, Rexburg, ID 83440, United States. Da Pineapple Grill Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -111.7888029, latitude — 43.8182446.

Da Pineapple Grill operates from . For more information, please call on (208) 356-4398 or visit Da Pineapple Grill Website. If you have ever been to Da Pineapple Grill, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Da Pineapple Grill

Photo of Da Pineapple Grill 1 Photo of Da Pineapple Grill 2 Photo of Da Pineapple Grill 3
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Reviews of Da Pineapple Grill

Joshua Hughes

I love to come here to eat. Their sushi is delicious and they have a lot of options. Apart from their sushi they have amazing meats to choose from as well. On the other hand their take out is horribly slow. It seems their default time they tell you it will take is 20-25 minutes, but expect to wait in their lobby an additional 30-40 waiting for them to start making it once you arrive. Honestly it would've been quicker to sit down and dine in than wait for them to make it. Update.... they forgot the soy sauce.

shelley williams

This was a really great experience! We had Afton as our waitress and she did an amazing job! She was super quick and got everything write with our order! I looked at the reviews before going here and noticed that a lot of them said that it was a long wait for their food , but all of our food was in front us 20 after ordering! Our waitress also never let our drinks go empty! Highly recommend this place!

Nancy Aguiar

Amazing, The food is consistently good and affordable. Everything on the menu is appetizing and well-made. Absolutely delicious, you can tell they love what they do and it shows in the food they serve. The establishment is clean, and enjoyable when you want to bring your family and your friends. I recommend it. The staff is prompt and friendly.

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383 S 2nd St W, Rexburg, ID 83440, United States