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restautants near me guide

El Azteca Worthington MN

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.1 with 290 reviews about El Azteca

El Azteca Description

El Azteca in Worthington MN falls under the category of Restaurants in Worthington MN with a rating of 4.1 by users. El Azteca located at 223 10th St, Worthington, MN 56187, United States. El Azteca Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -95.5963089, latitude — 43.6191683.

El Azteca operates from . For more information, please call on (507) 376-4340 or visit El Azteca Website. If you have ever been to El Azteca, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of El Azteca

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Reviews of El Azteca


Chips and salsa were excellent! The salsa was similar to the red stuff from Chipotle (just not hot). The rice and beans were great, and the burrito was alright. The pop had a terrible chlorine taste and should have been filtered though.

Josh Martin

Great Ethnic food ! If you want the south of the boarder feeling . I strongly recommend this place. Friendly staff, great food, and cold beer.

Nathan Wildermuth

A miserable and awkward experience. We arrived at 12:30 and did not get our order until 2:10. Not a single table back in the cantina got food within an hour. The entrees came out sparadicaly to the tables, many of them were cold. Dirty dishes everywhere, we were given plastic flatware. Many customers were on edge. I wish we would have walked out at 2:00. The Men's bathroom was in the exact condition as described in the review 2 months ago and warrants a visit from a health inspector. Sr. Management at the till tried blaming everything on the waitress. I hardly ever review or criticize any small business. I take a lot on the chin and take my business elsewhere. It really was that terrible.

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223 10th St, Worthington, MN 56187, United States