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Ferch's Beachside Grille South Milwaukee WI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.3 with 422 reviews about Ferch's Beachside Grille

Ferch's Beachside Grille Description

Ferch's Beachside Grille in South Milwaukee WI falls under the category of Restaurants in South Milwaukee WI with a rating of 4.3 by users. Ferch's Beachside Grille located at 100 Oak Creek Pkwy, South Milwaukee, WI 53172, United States. Ferch's Beachside Grille Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -87.8416812, latitude — 42.907935.

Ferch's Beachside Grille operates from . For more information, please call on or visit Ferch's Beachside Grille Website. If you have ever been to Ferch's Beachside Grille, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Ferch's Beachside Grille

Photo of Ferch's Beachside Grille 1 Photo of Ferch's Beachside Grille 2 Photo of Ferch's Beachside Grille 3
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Reviews of Ferch's Beachside Grille

Jackie Schmidtke

Love this place. The food is great. Nice variety of beer. Weather was beautiful and it was so relaxing just sitting enjoying the lake view. The staff was so polite. Great team at ferchs.

Bill D

Experience from 6/9/22 I would really like to have a positive review, but this is the second year in a row, that I have gone to Grant park beach to enjoy the beach, and the Ferch's restaurant, and Ferch's was not open. (fool me twice). The downside, No beer, no food, no bathroom. I did finally see a gentleman working at Ferch's around 12:30pm. I asked when would the restaurant open? "Not for some time". When asked why I was told, "Not until the kids are out of school". I pointed out that the posted hours, (google maps, Ferch's website, and at the beach entry) stated that it was open daily at 11:00AM. In addition, I did not understand why the washrooms are not open, as the are adjacent but separate from the restaurant. I was told I could "use the one at the golf course" So, I have been at the beach since 10:30am. Enjoying the sun and the breeze, and looking forward to food, and refreshment at Ferch's, but now realize I should have packed a cooler. As the need for a washroom was soon to be, I packed up and went home. Why did Ferch's not post online the real hours? I still don't know what they are. The hours on Google maps shows 11am-9Pm Confirmed by the business 2 weeks ago. The Ferch's website, states Opening May 27th, open daily 11AM-9PM. Why not : 1) list the temporary hours 2) don't know how to do #1 - how about a sign out front 3) Have the washrooms opened by the park staff when the park/beach opens. There was more people than I had expected at the beach, and many had comments about when will they open, I am hungry. I am not sure how many people will ever return, with this poor of communication.

Sabrina Thorpe

Awesome location, so much fun! Burger was pretty good too, but not worth *quite* as much as they charge, considering you get only the burger and no sides.

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100 Oak Creek Pkwy, South Milwaukee, WI 53172, United States