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Great Wall Chinese Restaurant Ozark AL

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.1 with 352 reviews about Great Wall Chinese Restaurant
City: Ozark AL

Great Wall Chinese Restaurant Description

Great Wall Chinese Restaurant in Ozark AL falls under the category of Restaurants in Ozark AL with a rating of 4.1 by users. Great Wall Chinese Restaurant located at 1212 US-231, Ozark, AL 36360, United States. Great Wall Chinese Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -85.6567324, latitude — 31.4453947.

Great Wall Chinese Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (334) 445-1605 or visit Great Wall Chinese Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Great Wall Chinese Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Great Wall Chinese Restaurant

Photo of Great Wall Chinese Restaurant 1 Photo of Great Wall Chinese Restaurant 2 Photo of Great Wall Chinese Restaurant 3
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Reviews of Great Wall Chinese Restaurant

Tom Aeris

Excellent service. Excellent food quality. I have ordered from this restaurant for 2 years.


We've been eating at Great Wall for 10+ years. The food is good & the staff is efficient. One of the few places that always gets our order right! 👍

John Senn

I would love to have given a great review... but... the the order taking ,as well as the counter personality was autonomous. It was basically " hi, what'd you order?" The order was Kung Po chicken, with White rice instead of fried rice. It also came with an egg roll. The egg roll was 2 and 1/2 bites, over cooked and soggy. Waaayy tiny. It had a slightly burnt taste. The plate was 2/3's white rice,1/3 main dish. I didn't taste a peanut sauce at all, and the peanuts were just unsalted roasted peanuts thrown on top of the veggies and sauce. ( saw them being shakened out onto the plate), instead of cooked in a peanut sauce and softened. This is supposed to be a spicy dish. It was not spicy at all. It was almost tasteless. When I asked for 2 chopsticks, I got 1 set, and an eye roll. If I try them again, it won't be this dish for sure... and definitely gonna skip the egg roll.

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1212 US-231, Ozark, AL 36360, United States