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Hops n Drops Lacey WA

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.3 with 1953 reviews about Hops n Drops
City: Lacey WA

Hops n Drops Description

Hops n Drops in Lacey WA falls under the category of Restaurants in Lacey WA with a rating of 4.3 by users. Hops n Drops located at 4739 Avery Ln SE, Lacey, WA 98503, United States. Hops n Drops Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -122.82364, latitude — 46.998669.

Hops n Drops operates from . For more information, please call on (360) 528-2174 or visit Hops n Drops Website. If you have ever been to Hops n Drops, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Hops n Drops

Photo of Hops n Drops 1 Photo of Hops n Drops 2 Photo of Hops n Drops 3
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Reviews of Hops n Drops

Mike Jones

The food is always prepared just how you'd like, and looks very appetizing. The service is typically good, but not often is it beyond good. We've been when it is packed out, and mostly empty, and the service stays the same. We've been probably 20-25 times over the years, and with the exception of a couple, we got good service that justified a 15% tip. Not bad at all, just not engaging and welcoming. Some people like to eat that way, and if that's you, then Hop Jacks is your place. I like to engage and visit with our server, and that just doesn't happen. The mac and cheese is always really good. not too cheesy, and the mac is cooked just right. Yes, the beer is really really cold. They got that going for them. Definitely the coldest beer on tap in town.

Brian Gallucci

The high prices aren't the biggest bother when eating in because it is a nice atmosphere, but ordering to go is a completely different story. Every time my wife brings an order home, something is missing, lacking, or not even the right order. It's as if they bank on you not coming back to hold them accountable for the food they offer. The sides are half the size to-go than sit in. If you want to eat here, you'll probably enjoy yourself, but expect a high bill. If you're familiar with eating in and are thinking about ordering to go, I'd advise against it.

Michael Baker

Great food and great service! Our server was first rate! I noticed most burger combos are in the $15 dollar range. Their house lager and house wines are quite good. My wife and I are visiting from Ohio and Hops n Drops is on our short list of favorite places for when we come back.

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4739 Avery Ln SE, Lacey, WA 98503, United States