J's Cafe Greenville SC
J's Cafe Description
J's Cafe in Greenville SC falls under the category of Restaurants in Greenville SC with a rating of 4.8 by users. J's Cafe located at Greenville, DE 19807, United States. J's Cafe Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -75.5953633, latitude — 39.7769827.
J's Cafe operates from . For more information, please call on or visit J's Cafe Website. If you have ever been to J's Cafe, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of J's Cafe
Reviews of J's Cafe
Barry Zias
Cafe in high end grocery store. Great food, reasonable prices, lots of workmen eat here. It is a nice experience and a pleasant place for a meal.
Susan Wilkins
Nice change. Very pricey.
Lucky Lolo
High quality food at a good price