Kelley's Place Minot AFB ND
Kelley's Place Description
Kelley's Place in Minot AFB ND falls under the category of Restaurants in Minot AFB ND with a rating of 4 by users. Kelley's Place located at 140 Peacekeeper Pl, Minot AFB, ND 58704, United States. Kelley's Place Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -101.3260241, latitude — 48.4188807.
Kelley's Place operates from . For more information, please call on (701) 727-4714 or visit Kelley's Place Website. If you have ever been to Kelley's Place, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Kelley's Place
Reviews of Kelley's Place
Paul Johnson
Breakfast is the best meal.
Good food and nice staff. Just never open when they say they are.
Christina Paro
Your typical cafeteria food. Nothing too fancy. Service was fair. I would have given 4 stars but the patty melt I got tasted a little funny. I want to try their breakfast next time. The food is super cheap so I can’t really complain.