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Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant Fords NJ

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 33 reviews about Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant
City: Fords NJ

Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant Description

Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant in Fords NJ falls under the category of Restaurants in Fords NJ with a rating of 4.6 by users. Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant located at 49 Lafayette Rd, Fords, NJ 08863, United States. Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -74.3227756, latitude — 40.5479301.

Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (732) 710-3350 or visit Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant

Photo of Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant 1 Photo of Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant 2 Photo of Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant 3
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Reviews of Luzviminda Grocery and Restaurant


Agree with lots of the reviews. People are very polite and helpful! The place was bright and clean! Most of all, food was excellent! Even my wife who does not eat Crispy Pata (gasp!) tried it and was able to enjoy it. The fish was also fried perfectly! It's about 80 minutes from us, unfortunately, so we can't visit as often.

Evelyn B

A casual, modern, new concept of Filipino restaurant in the area. Fresh seafood you can purchase and have it cooked either fried, grilled or tinowa (fish soup). Food are cooked to order. During our visit, Gigi the customer service/cashier, waa very friendly and attentive. Me and my husband ordered sisig and pompano soup, paid around $33 (with drinks). We had leftovers and were able to bring it home for another meal. The place is clean and tastefully decorated with healthy plants.

Carmen Driz-Melilli

Ate on this restaurant this weekend.This place is a GLORIFIED TURO-TURO, already cooked food are all hidden in the kitchen. Quality of food was poor, foods were served cold. One of the meals I ordered was what they considered a “favorite” meal, priced $13.99 and was told that rice is another charged. A La Carte, really? They would not even offer you tap water, you have to buy bottled water. My advise to the owner is not to fake your turo-turo restaurant if you could not commit in cooking/preparing the food immediately after your customer ordered the food. If this is the way they will continue to run this restaurant, all they would get are one time customers. It’s a shame the restaurant looks nice and could attract more customers if it’s managed well. Hope that with this review, owners will improve the way they managed their restaurant. I would like to see co-Filipinos succeed with their restaurant.

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49 Lafayette Rd, Fords, NJ 08863, United States