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Montana Jack's Lockwood MT

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.3 with 1236 reviews about Montana Jack's

Montana Jack's Description

Montana Jack's in Lockwood MT falls under the category of Restaurants in Lockwood MT with a rating of 4.3 by users. Montana Jack's located at 520 Hansen Ln, Billings, MT 59105, United States. Montana Jack's Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -108.4732926, latitude — 45.8115383.

Montana Jack's operates from . For more information, please call on (406) 252-0243 or visit Montana Jack's Website. If you have ever been to Montana Jack's, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Montana Jack's

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Reviews of Montana Jack's

Carrie Langy

The staff are very friendly and conscientious towards filling your drinking cup and clearing plates when you are finished. The food is good but not outstanding. It almost gives you a feel of an old diner with the menus under class on the tabletops. This place feels like a place the older age population would gather to chit-chat on a regular basis. They even have a rewards (point) system.

Virginia Hagans

Our waitress was just fantastic. With a great sense of humor, solid skills with kids and adults, and a great memory for orders. The food was exactly what we ordered, and even better than we expected. For the type of diner they are, they're amazing. They cooked everything perfectly, from a BLT to an eggs Benedict.

Gary “Uncle G” Hoppe

My family and I have enjoyed Montana Jack's every time we have eaten there. The food is always good and the staff is very nice, especially Karin. Karin is the nicest lady you could ever meet.

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520 Hansen Ln, Billings, MT 59105, United States