Mrs. Bbq Canton MS
Mrs. Bbq Description
Mrs. Bbq in Canton MS falls under the category of Restaurants in Canton MS with a rating of 5 by users. Mrs. Bbq located at 3421 N Liberty St, Canton, MS 39046, United States. Mrs. Bbq Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -90.0350413, latitude — 32.6190194.
Mrs. Bbq operates from . For more information, please call on or visit Mrs. Bbq Website. If you have ever been to Mrs. Bbq, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Mrs. Bbq
Reviews of Mrs. Bbq
Langston Sloan
From the first moment you come to that place the stuff gives you an excellent feeling. Very congenial team, it is a happy place to to go out with friends and colleagues or with your date. enjoyable cuisine, creative chief cook and stuff, modest cost and courteous service. Warmly recommended.