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Pilots Cove Cafe Sanford ME

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.2 with 237 reviews about Pilots Cove Cafe
City: Sanford ME

Pilots Cove Cafe Description

Pilots Cove Cafe in Sanford ME falls under the category of Restaurants in Sanford ME with a rating of 4.2 by users. Pilots Cove Cafe located at 199 Airport Rd, Sanford, ME 04073, United States. Pilots Cove Cafe Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -70.7105514, latitude — 43.4011968.

Pilots Cove Cafe operates from . For more information, please call on (207) 850-1183 or visit Pilots Cove Cafe Website. If you have ever been to Pilots Cove Cafe, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Pilots Cove Cafe

Photo of Pilots Cove Cafe 1 Photo of Pilots Cove Cafe 2 Photo of Pilots Cove Cafe 3
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Reviews of Pilots Cove Cafe

Stephen Lee

This is a unique restaurant located right on the tarmac of a small airport. It was very busy when we were there and rightfully so. The food was great and the service was very personable. I'll typically get eggs benedict for breakfast and this one was very good, I enjoyed it a lot. Not much atmosphere, really, but they have large windows that look out on the tarmac and the runway so it's fun to watch the activity. There were several families with young children, and I'm sure that they enjoyed watching the small planes as they taxied around and then took off and landed.

Abbie Ryder

I'm a foodie, and I know sometimes places have off nights,but.... I left there never wanting to go back again and I almost always give places atleast a second chance. It left me feeling like anyone can just own a restaurant these days. I would have preferred a plain piece of white bread with butter on it.

Justine Webb

My wife and I decided to go on an adventure, we used a coin and flipped it at each stop sign or light for exactly an hour. When the alarm went off we pulled over and looked up restaurants within 5 miles pilots cove was one. We each wrote 2 restaurants put it in a hat and I pulled that one. I have lived in or around Sanford since 2011 and never ate there. The least I can say was I was pleasantly surprised. I had lobster Mac and cheese and it was perfection. My wife had chicken broccoli Alfredo delicious. They tasted good the next day as well. I HIGHLY recommend pilots cove cafe. 10 out of 10!

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199 Airport Rd, Sanford, ME 04073, United States