Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub Marinette WI
Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub Description
Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub in Marinette WI falls under the category of Restaurants in Marinette WI with a rating of 4 by users. Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub located at 2029 Old Peshtigo Ct, Marinette, WI 54143, United States. Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -87.6544033, latitude — 45.0851354.
Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub operates from . For more information, please call on (715) 732-4646 or visit Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub Website. If you have ever been to Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub
Reviews of Rail House Restaurant & Brewpub
I've been a patron of the rail house for many years, and I think it's one of the most iconic restaurants in town. Most times I go I get the fish and chips with a bowl of beer cheese soup.The beer cheese soup in my opinion is the best item on the menu, and I highly recommend it. They also have great burgers, pizza, and their store brewed beers are a real treat. I highly recommend the Rail House anytime for lunch, and dinner.
Sierra Dahl
Pumpkin Spice and Blueberry beer 😋
Todd Reinhardt
Forget everybody else. If you're traveling through town just stop here. End of! Great food and atmosphere. When I travel 9 hours to see my grandchildren, there's only one highlight along the way and this is it.