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Rajanee Thai Haleiwa Haleiwa HI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.2 with 335 reviews about Rajanee Thai Haleiwa
City: Haleiwa HI

Rajanee Thai Haleiwa Description

Rajanee Thai Haleiwa in Haleiwa HI falls under the category of Restaurants in Haleiwa HI with a rating of 4.2 by users. Rajanee Thai Haleiwa located at 66-111 Kamehameha Hwy #1001, Haleiwa, HI 96712, United States. Rajanee Thai Haleiwa Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -158.1029445, latitude — 21.5914392.

Rajanee Thai Haleiwa operates from . For more information, please call on (808) 784-0023 or visit Rajanee Thai Haleiwa Website. If you have ever been to Rajanee Thai Haleiwa, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Rajanee Thai Haleiwa

Photo of Rajanee Thai Haleiwa 1 Photo of Rajanee Thai Haleiwa 2 Photo of Rajanee Thai Haleiwa 3
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Reviews of Rajanee Thai Haleiwa


Some of the best Thai food that we have had. We went here multiple times while staying on the North Shore for a few weeks. We tried a food truck that had higher ratings and it was not even close to the food here. The restaurant is clean, the staff was great, and the food was excellent. The only thing I would mention is what has been mentioned before on the gratuity. We saw the signs that gratuity would be added but when looking at our bill we did not see a line item for it. It wasn't until we went with friends the 3rd time that they noticed as we were walking out that the gratuity is added to each individual item perhaps? But it was in even numbers and not an exact $18. For example, something that was $14 on the menu was actually $17 or something like that. I am not sure if the pricing was off or if that was the gratuity but I would check your bill. Given that we loved the food we had tipped over 25% so it was a little lame to discover we had been over billed. If it is the gratuity it should be a line item clearly showing it. Or if it is a pricing error the menu needs to be updated. I would go again without question but would check my bill. I would recommend the owners change this as that is your main complaint on here otherwise your reviews would be closer to a 5 is my guess and you wouldn't be losing business to other places whose food does not come close to yours. We went to two other Thai places prior to this due to reviews being lower and your food deserves more.

Jordan F

The food here is excellent. I had the chilli basil and almost went back to order another round. Very good food. I had it prepared gluten free and they were happy to accommodate.

Alex Ertman

Food was great, waitress was really nice and gave good service, consistently checking in and offering water and consistently refilling them. Food took just enough time to make that you knew it was all being cooked fresh and you could taste it too. Great dinner after a long day exploring the north shore.

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66-111 Kamehameha Hwy #1001, Haleiwa, HI 96712, United States