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Salute Italian Restaurant Racine WI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.5 with 569 reviews about Salute Italian Restaurant
City: Racine WI

Salute Italian Restaurant Description

Salute Italian Restaurant in Racine WI falls under the category of Restaurants in Racine WI with a rating of 4.5 by users. Salute Italian Restaurant located at 314 Main St, Racine, WI 53403, United States. Salute Italian Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -87.7836157, latitude — 42.730115.

Salute Italian Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (262) 633-9117 or visit Salute Italian Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Salute Italian Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Salute Italian Restaurant

Photo of Salute Italian Restaurant 1 Photo of Salute Italian Restaurant 2 Photo of Salute Italian Restaurant 3
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Reviews of Salute Italian Restaurant

Nick Ludwig

Had an unfortunate experience with takeout. We're in Racine on vacation. Called and placed an order for two pizzas and two pasta entrees for our family. Was told 25 minutes. Awesome! Rushed over there and walked in 25 minutes later. Was told will be another 10 minutes. No big deal. 15 more mins went by, then was told another 10. Seemed like they hadn't started the order yet. Place was moderately busy but not slammed. They just kept pushing us off. Decided I was going to leave when it was an hour past when they said (85 minutes total), but then they came rushing out with the order. Pizza was good, pasta was fine, they gave us salad instead of soup and forgot sauce on one of the pastas. No discount or no other consideration for having to sit there for an hour. Dang.

Jessica Otwaska

I've heard such good things about the place, but was really disappointed my first time there. My husband and I ordered a pan pizza. The waitress came back about half an hour after we had ordered to let us know the cook added black olives on the whole thing (we don't eat black olives period). So we asked for a new one to be made and we'd take it to go. We were there for an hour and a half! Luckily they gave yummy, hot, fresh bread with a meal to hold us over. The waitress was super nice, attentive, sincerely apologetic and took some money off the bill. When we finally returned home to eat, we were let down that our pizza had very little to no sauce. There was literally so many bare spots with no sauce, the very little sauce there was, was mostly along the crust. Without sauce, the pizza was extremely bland, not to mention how little amount of toppings they had put on it! We will, however, return to try a new dish and give it a second chance, but I strongly don't suggest getting the pizza. I hope our next experience will "wow" us and show us why we've heard such good things about Salute. 🤞

Jeff Kostein

We had never been to (or heard of) Salute Italian Restaurant,but were pleasantly surprised with the food. Went with some friends to celebrate a birthday. The food was wonderful & the atmosphere very nice. One more place to add to our list of places to go for a special occasion.

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314 Main St, Racine, WI 53403, United States