SamosaMan Hanover NH
SamosaMan Description
SamosaMan in Hanover NH falls under the category of Restaurants in Hanover NH with a rating of 4.7 by users. SamosaMan located at 6 Allen St, Hanover, NH 03755, United States. SamosaMan Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -72.2902067, latitude — 43.7013735.
SamosaMan operates from . For more information, please call on (802) 233-7783 or visit SamosaMan Website. If you have ever been to SamosaMan, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of SamosaMan
Reviews of SamosaMan
Emily Dodge
I stopped by to grab a couple of samosas. We tried the vegetable and potato samosa and they were SO GOOD. The veggie was hearty and both were flavored so well - just strong enough but in no way overpowering. Highly recommend for a to-go snack, lunch, or dinner
Vijay Prithiv Bathey
After a long time, my online order was fulfilled. I was supposed to pick it up on Wednesday but got it on Thursday. Food was super salty. :( I am unsure if it was a bad day but all items I bought were salty enough to dry your mouth after a bite or two. Hope they correct it.
Ali Mian
Samosa man is incredibly generous. He made me some delicious samosas even though they were closed. He also threw in some extra. He was very humble and you can tell he’s a great guy. I’ll be back to support them more!