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San Marcos Mexican Restaurant Clanton AL

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.2 with 797 reviews about San Marcos Mexican Restaurant
City: Clanton AL

San Marcos Mexican Restaurant Description

San Marcos Mexican Restaurant in Clanton AL falls under the category of Restaurants in Clanton AL with a rating of 4.2 by users. San Marcos Mexican Restaurant located at 1430 7th St S, Clanton, AL 35045, United States. San Marcos Mexican Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -86.606484, latitude — 32.817901.

San Marcos Mexican Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (205) 755-6370 or visit San Marcos Mexican Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to San Marcos Mexican Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of San Marcos Mexican Restaurant

Photo of San Marcos Mexican Restaurant 1 Photo of San Marcos Mexican Restaurant 2 Photo of San Marcos Mexican Restaurant 3
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Reviews of San Marcos Mexican Restaurant

Chase Searles

My biggest reason for taking stars off on this review is that they have indoor smoking. To be fair, the the smoking area is separated from the regular dining area and the restaurant is decently sized, so the smoke isn't that noticable. The problem is nobody wants to sit in the smoking section, so everybody is crammed into the non smoking section like sardines. Additionally, the food is mediocre (bland, chunks of fat left on the meat, etc.). Three stars because the staff were friendly and the drinks were strong.

Larry Rabidue

The food was not what I was expecting. It was actually very good. The chicken was moist in my enchiladas and great flavor. The ground beef in my burrito was excellent, great flavor and not greasey and weigh you down. The only reason for a 3 star was the wall at my both looks like it hasn't been clean, food splatter all over it, and not just recently.

Stephen O'Sullivan

Food and service were top notch meet a coworker there with my son. We had the grilled chicken and tacos. Tacos left a lil to be desired from my son whom is 5 so take that as you will. The grilled chicken Was amazing

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1430 7th St S, Clanton, AL 35045, United States