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Sawmill Restaurant Myrtle Grove NC

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.2 with 1101 reviews about Sawmill Restaurant

Sawmill Restaurant Description

Sawmill Restaurant in Myrtle Grove NC falls under the category of Restaurants in Myrtle Grove NC with a rating of 4.2 by users. Sawmill Restaurant located at 5611 Carolina Beach Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412, United States. Sawmill Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -77.8939341, latitude — 34.1357742.

Sawmill Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (910) 350-6909 or visit Sawmill Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Sawmill Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Sawmill Restaurant

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Reviews of Sawmill Restaurant

Jenn White

We seated ourselves. The waitress came quickly. The restaurant was clean. The food was fresh and quick to arrive. But the peanut butter chip waffle didn't have any peanut butter chips. The syrup was not hot. And I was charged almost $4 for a small side of gravy for my one biscuit. The biscuit was perfect though. Overall my experience was just okay.

Judy Y

Great home cooking. They buttered your toast, so the butter is nicely melted when the toast arrives. Loved the catfish, okra/tomatoes and Cole slaw. The potatoes are delicious. Fresh fish and meatloaf on Tuesday.

Rush Rox

Pretty good food. Some items are hit and miss, but others are very good. They have the best banana pudding, btw, and some great southern fried pork chops. Great side dishes to choose from and there are many sides available. I personally don't recommend the turkey and dressing or chicken tenders though. There's just something a bit suspect about their poultry items though and always tastes as if the meat is of poor quality or outdated and kind of rancid tasting. The shrimp is pretty good but I don't recommend coming here for just the seafood alone when there are more choices for great seafood basically everywhere else in Wilmington. My Mom and The Golden Girls (her friends) always come here for the Early Bird specials (available weekdays) and the prices are great during that time. Also, the regular menu prices are reasonable as well. It's a good place to eat, especially with a family, with a good selection of meals on the menu that won't make you pass out once you receive the bill. Overall, it's a decent place to eat and lots of locals dine here, so it's not a tourist trap kind of restaurant which is located near Carolina Beach.

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5611 Carolina Beach Rd, Wilmington, NC 28412, United States