Supa Spice St. Johnsbury VT
Supa Spice Description
Supa Spice in St. Johnsbury VT falls under the category of Restaurants in St. Johnsbury VT with a rating of 4.9 by users. Supa Spice located at 21 Memorial Dr, St Johnsbury, VT 05819, United States. Supa Spice Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -72.0177846, latitude — 44.4322493.
Supa Spice operates from . For more information, please call on (802) 424-1719 or visit Supa Spice Website. If you have ever been to Supa Spice, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Supa Spice
Reviews of Supa Spice
Shaun Flaskamper
So happy this place has opened. Fantastic fresh flavorful food. Everything I've tried so far has been excellent. Anyone who says it's too expensive has no clue. Completely reasonable for the amount and quality.
Wesley Faulkner
I'm truly happy to see new culture Foods popping up in the Northeast Kingdom, it's always a risky Venture because people up there tend to be very close minded. They also have not been exposed to many different cultures, there was definitely some Filipino, Vietnamese and Korean dishes going on here, I only got a dish that was already prepared and in the cold box, however it was very tasty it was called pork chronic and reminded me of a Vietnamese Rice Bowl. If you live in the Northeast Kingdom in your bored with all of the food that you normally having, give it a try. If you are not from the Northeast Kingdom but you are visiting and you are also bored with the options, this is a restaurant you should check out.
Amazing food! Each item is high quality, fresh, and consistently delicious. I’ve eaten from Supa Spice countless times, and I cannot say enough good things about the great food and friendly people!