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Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) Wheeler AFB HI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 3.6 with 91 reviews about Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad)

Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) Description

Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) in Wheeler AFB HI falls under the category of Restaurants in Wheeler AFB HI with a rating of 3.6 by users. Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) located at 780 Menoher Rd, Schofield Barracks, HI 96857, United States. Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -158.0651505, latitude — 21.5004987.

Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) operates from . For more information, please call on or visit Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) Website. If you have ever been to Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad), share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad)

Photo of Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) 1 Photo of Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) 2 Photo of Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad) 3
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Reviews of Sustainment Bistro (DFAC) (K-Quad)


Absolutely abysmal. The worst DFAC on Schofield and its not even close. It's actually mind-boggling. When they change their schedule, there is no type of public announcement, or message that gets sent out on any social media, or SMS. No sign on the doors. Soldiers are then forced; those who live near K-quad, those who are in-processing, those who are on duty, in an hour and a half to walk to another DFAC usually a mile and a half away, eat, and then return to duty by 1300. For those who have no car, this is nearly impossible (when the expectation and scheduling states both breakfast and lunch would be available at said DFAC for the week) The servers are rude. They consistently are having side conversations forcing you then, to repeat your order. I've seen this happen multiple times, it's the norm. Drink stations, are rarely if ever filled. Usually limiting you to one option (that still ends up being watered down), even when all the lights are on. Finally cost. There at least 5-10k soldiers on island who probably eat at the DFAC, if not more. Even if just 1/4 eat at the DFAC, at a budget of $770 a month, that adds up to $1,925.000 per month! Yet there are so many things oftentimes not available (i.e. drinks, variety salad dressings, milk on occasion). Where is our money going? Please tell me, and then give us the option to pocket BAS if this is how its gonna be It's completely embarrassing. Warrior Inn and Bronco Cafe NEVER have this problem. Drink stations are always filled. Cups are larger than a toddler size. Food never runs out. Servers are nice. Yet I am punished for having to go to this DFAC, lacking suitable transportation to go elsewhere. At the end of the day this comes down to leadership. Why are other DFAC's on the same base, consistently outperforming K-Quad? Why do you get two different types of service? Why is it only when the Sergeant Major, or LTC arrives, is there a sense of urgency and purpose; and food that wasn't available, suddenly appears out of thin air? I don't get it. When hundreds of soldiers don't have cars, and you guys close for both breakfast and lunch, you then put an undue burden on soldiers saying to 1: go purchase food on their own at the shoppete; or 2: not eat. Some people can't afford that. There's no empathy for soldiers who have no POV's, absolutely none. And the behavior in my time here, has consistently shown that. Do Better.

David Pearce

They are good. Don’t compare *any* DFAC to your favorite restaurant, your family’s cooking, Haleiwa Joe’s, etc. As an American Soldier on island when you are on-base you should check your privilege, shut up, eat as clean/good as you can & keep it moving. You are the energy you give off and some people just *love* to complain, c’mon now.

Swaz aaa

barely open, drink machines are never filled, cooks dont listen when i ask for stuff. glad i pay for this

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780 Menoher Rd, Schofield Barracks, HI 96857, United States