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Taste of New York Smyrna Kenton DE

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.2 with 276 reviews about Taste of New York Smyrna
City: Kenton DE

Taste of New York Smyrna Description

Taste of New York Smyrna in Kenton DE falls under the category of Restaurants in Kenton DE with a rating of 4.2 by users. Taste of New York Smyrna located at 4793 Wheatleys Pond Rd, Smyrna, DE 19977, United States. Taste of New York Smyrna Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -75.6273099, latitude — 39.2885024.

Taste of New York Smyrna operates from . For more information, please call on (302) 508-5843 or visit Taste of New York Smyrna Website. If you have ever been to Taste of New York Smyrna, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Taste of New York Smyrna

Photo of Taste of New York Smyrna 1 Photo of Taste of New York Smyrna 2 Photo of Taste of New York Smyrna 3
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Reviews of Taste of New York Smyrna

S Dunschee

Went on a Friday for early dinner shortly after they opened. I wonder the fish tacos, which where more of a fish wrap. Batter was good and the fish and fries were tasty. We also had the "jumbo" shrimp. However, as you can see from the photo, there's nothing jumbo about those shrimp. The waitress was nice but was the only one for a Fri as it got busier and busier causing a delay in getting utensils, boxes and the check. Overall it was average.

Mercedes DeGroat

Attended a comedy show and had the best time ever. The restaurant is very cozy and food was amazing. Great place for happy hour. The owner and the staff are very friendly and pleasant. Super friendly atmosphere. Great crowd. My husband and I will definitely be back on a weekly basis.

spicolo jones

visited there while camping at Blackbird State Forest. it was a real gem to find in DE or anywhere for that matter. i know people in the washington metro area that would travel there just for the down-home laid-back vibes from the establishment. i would suggest to the management that they offer a list of drinks - it would be beneficial to the customers and would give an opportunity for some signature cocktails that could make y'all more money :) oh, and please toss the onion rings :( can't wait to go back!!

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4793 Wheatleys Pond Rd, Smyrna, DE 19977, United States