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The Peacock Rouxm Cushing OK

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.3 with 73 reviews about The Peacock Rouxm
City: Cushing OK

The Peacock Rouxm Description

The Peacock Rouxm in Cushing OK falls under the category of Restaurants in Cushing OK with a rating of 4.3 by users. The Peacock Rouxm located at 711 N Steele Ave, Cushing, OK 74023, United States. The Peacock Rouxm Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -96.7692882, latitude — 35.9865995.

The Peacock Rouxm operates from . For more information, please call on (918) 306-4041 or visit The Peacock Rouxm Website. If you have ever been to The Peacock Rouxm, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of The Peacock Rouxm

Photo of The Peacock Rouxm 1 Photo of The Peacock Rouxm 2 Photo of The Peacock Rouxm 3
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Reviews of The Peacock Rouxm

Christall Cohen

The food was great, the atmosphere was cool. It's off the beaten path, but plenty of room for everyone's taste. Can't wait to go back again!

William Rember

I'm not quite sure what this restaurant is trying to be, and I don't think it has a good idea either. From the spelling of the name and description they give you'd think it's a Cajun place. However, their menu is more “Burger joint that also serves Po boys”. Cajun mainstays like gumbo or even just red beans and rice are completely absent One of the close to Cajun offerings they did have though was grilled cheese and bisque. Unfortunately for the three of us that ordered it, the bisque was severely oversalted and somehow overly sweet to boot. It also had a consistency closer to glue or super thick chili than soup. The grilled cheese was grilled decently, just not enough to melt the Kraft single in the middle One of our party ordered a burger, not realizing it defaults to being served open face for some reason, so just keep in mind that the top bun costs extra. The final party member got pork chop, and said that it was good if nothing to write home about, so that might be our recommendation if you go. Prices were decent at least The establishment itself is quaint and eclectic, honestly a nice and unique feel to the interior. If they could figure out their food to an equal degree then it would be exactly what we need in the area. Unfortunately if what we had was any sort of baseline, I'd suggest avoiding it until then

Bobbi Jo Owens

The only reason I'm not giving all 5 stars is because I can't be there right now. ❣️ Love the atmosphere, experience and people. Excellence driven. 🦚

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711 N Steele Ave, Cushing, OK 74023, United States