The Soupery Durham NC
The Soupery Description
The Soupery in Durham NC falls under the category of Restaurants in Durham NC with a rating of 3.8 by users. The Soupery located at 30 Main St, Durham, NH 03824, United States. The Soupery Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -70.9252077, latitude — 43.1339827.
The Soupery operates from . For more information, please call on (603) 815-4164 or visit The Soupery Website. If you have ever been to The Soupery, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of The Soupery
Reviews of The Soupery
Michelle McKelligan
How can you advertise The Soupery at 30 Main Street at UNH and not have any soup! Tried to get homemade soup for my sick daughter.
Luis Rattia
Great food
Clinton Nesbit
How the hell can you call yourself 'The Soupery' with a straight face if you have no soup to sell with almost 2 hours left before closing? It's completely ridiculous.