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Tine & Cellar Weston WI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.5 with 789 reviews about Tine & Cellar
City: Weston WI

Tine & Cellar Description

Tine & Cellar in Weston WI falls under the category of Restaurants in Weston WI with a rating of 4.5 by users. Tine & Cellar located at 3806 Schofield Ave, Weston, WI 54476, United States. Tine & Cellar Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -89.5750137, latitude — 44.9051448.

Tine & Cellar operates from . For more information, please call on (715) 841-0080 or visit Tine & Cellar Website. If you have ever been to Tine & Cellar, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Tine & Cellar

Photo of Tine & Cellar 1 Photo of Tine & Cellar 2 Photo of Tine & Cellar 3
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Reviews of Tine & Cellar


For what Tine & Cellar aims (and claims) to be, I think they have earned their five stars. Put this restaurant in Brooklyn and they would do stellar, but in Wausau, next to a strip malls worth of cheap eats and hair cuts, it feels a bit over priced - but traffic says many people don't mind, so I'll continue this review not speaking from my current income bracket. The atmosphere is upbeat but calm and with enough sophistication to promise an enjoyable experience for various diners: dates or families, friends or even solo, you'd be comfortable here. We interacted with just one server after seating and they were excellent, good people skills and knew just how much to interact. Service was quick and accurate. While I found drinks small, I don't typically order drinks out. They were much enjoyed by my fellow diners. Truffle fries were light on truffle which I prefer, and crispy. Dinner options are limited but varied enough. We had three different plates which were all well enjoyed, with little leftover. If you are looking for massive plates with take home at a steal, try the chains nearby, but if you are looking to enjoy some elevated dining and relax a bit, Tine & Cellar should be on your list.

B. G.

Great food, trendy decor. Communication between Christine the manager and her staff must be lacking for her to call me a day before my birthday to cancel my reservation that I made weeks ago? 🤔 - it's loud inside and acoustics are not conducive to quality conversation so we went to the Great Dane and we're welcomed in last minute. Will come back for drinks outside or with the doors open in summer but not with a reservation/group.

David Daniels

You can come to this place with high expectations, and you will not be disappointed. This is the type of eating establishment that you would more likely see in a large city. The drinks are works of art or, if you are a bit of a beer connoisseur, they have multitudes of varieties to enjoy. Food is superb. When they have tuna on the menu, take advantage.

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3806 Schofield Ave, Weston, WI 54476, United States