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Él Torito Restaurant Georgetown KY

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 3.8 with 54 reviews about Él Torito Restaurant

Él Torito Restaurant Description

Él Torito Restaurant in Georgetown KY falls under the category of Restaurants in Georgetown KY with a rating of 3.8 by users. Él Torito Restaurant located at 303 N Race St, Georgetown, DE 19947, United States. Él Torito Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -75.3886616, latitude — 38.6937935.

Él Torito Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (302) 858-4738 or visit Él Torito Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Él Torito Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Él Torito Restaurant

Photo of Él Torito Restaurant 1 Photo of Él Torito Restaurant 2 Photo of Él Torito Restaurant 3
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Reviews of Él Torito Restaurant

Dagoberto Marin-Perez (Doc)

Even though the menu looked good, sadly we couldn't eat there, they do not accept credit cards. On the main entrance they have the credit card sticker, which I believe means they accept credit cards.

Edward Thomas

Had a fantastic experience in this spot with my daughter. The food was served quickly and the service is just excellent. Prices are affordable.

Kathleen Mcglade

Authentic. Great food. Plentiful portions. Lovely and responsive wait staff.

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303 N Race St, Georgetown, DE 19947, United States