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Belotti Ristorante E Bottega Oakland CA

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 628 reviews about Belotti Ristorante E Bottega
City: Oakland CA

Belotti Ristorante E Bottega Description

Belotti Ristorante E Bottega in Oakland CA falls under the category of Restaurants in Oakland CA with a rating of 4.6 by users. Belotti Ristorante E Bottega located at 5403 College Ave, Oakland, CA 94618, United States. Belotti Ristorante E Bottega Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -122.251498, latitude — 37.8402499.

Belotti Ristorante E Bottega operates from . For more information, please call on (510) 788-7890 or visit Belotti Ristorante E Bottega Website. If you have ever been to Belotti Ristorante E Bottega, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Belotti Ristorante E Bottega

Photo of Belotti Ristorante E Bottega 1 Photo of Belotti Ristorante E Bottega 2 Photo of Belotti Ristorante E Bottega 3
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Reviews of Belotti Ristorante E Bottega

Kim Giuntini

We brought our dear friend to dinner at Belotti tonight to thank him for watching our dog while we were on vacation. It had taken us a while to get a reservation and we’d looked forward to it for weeks. We had pumped up our friend up about what a great restaurant it is. We were all looking forward to a lovely meal and were in great spirits. WE ENDED UP BEING EMBARRASSED THAT WE’D BROUGHT HIM HERE. The service was that bad. After we had drinks at the bar, our guest ordered another from the table, which he got 15 minutes later after we had to ask the bus boy to please remind the waiter about it. Hmm … kind of strange, but whatever. Things happen, I get it. We ordered appetizers and we asked to see the wine list. The appetizers came out and no wine list. We ordered our entrees, then had to ask the bus boy for the wine list. I think if we had been able to order some wine, it would have taken the edge off from having to wait over 25 minutes to get our entrees. Before the entrees arrived, the waiter could see that we were getting concerned about the time. He came over and told us that he was sorry for the delay, but they had gotten “really busy all at once.” Really? This restaurant is booked solid EVERY night and you have to have a reservation to get in, so come on now. We’d been here many times before: always crowded, very busy, but good service. This was crazy. After my husband apologized to our friend and told him he had never had this experience before, a bit of luster was off our fun evening. Our entrees ended up being fine - I would not recommend the spinach gnocchi - but the other dishes were good. I know even good restaurants can have a bad night - nobody is perfect. But this was a real disappointment.

Abigail Mugglestone

Everything was absolutely delicious and our service was top notch! It's not cheap, but it's well worth the price. Portions are hearty and all the ingredients seemed exceedingly high caliber.

Santiago O.

Am I the only one that thinks that the quality of food and service is not the same compared to how it was before the pandemic? Did they change the chef? The main waitress used to be amazing, now the waiter is a little cranky. This place used to be my favorite spot hands down, but I think I can't say that anymore. It is still very good though.

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5403 College Ave, Oakland, CA 94618, United States