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Bob's Downtown Restaurant Mobile AL

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 978 reviews about Bob's Downtown Restaurant
City: Mobile AL

Bob's Downtown Restaurant Description

Bob's Downtown Restaurant in Mobile AL falls under the category of Restaurants in Mobile AL with a rating of 4.6 by users. Bob's Downtown Restaurant located at 263 St Francis St, Mobile, AL 36602, United States. Bob's Downtown Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -88.0451148, latitude — 30.6917954.

Bob's Downtown Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (251) 405-1497 or visit Bob's Downtown Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Bob's Downtown Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Bob's Downtown Restaurant

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Reviews of Bob's Downtown Restaurant

Cameron Smith

I really enjoyed my experience here. The door hadn't even closed behind me before they greeted me and told me to sit anywhere I wanted. It was 45 minutes to closing time, but the food was fresh and came out surprisingly fast. They were busy going about their closing routine, but I did not lack for anything, and they let me sit and finish eating without even so much as a sideways glance about it being time to go. I ordered the shrimp and grits. I felt like I was eating some grandma’s home cooking deep in the woods. Very flavorful, peppery, hearty. I cleaned my plate. Somehow I ended up with a complementary piece of fried fish that I did not order. It was amazing! Very tender and flaky and moist, with a delicious, crisp corn bread batter. My son had the chicken tenders and fries off the kids menu. Very decently priced. The fries were just like the fish: crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. Flavorful throughout. And these weren’t any ordinary chicken tenders. Somebody actually sliced up a breast of chicken with a knife in the back, hand breaded them, and deep-fried them. 95% chicken and 5% crust, not like those hard, crusty things that scrape the top of your mouth from the greasy spoon down the street. The chicken was just like the fish: crispy on the…well, you get the point! I found them on Google maps, where they had a single $ rating the price level of the menu, and I found it was slightly more expensive than I would’ve thought. But maybe that’s Google’s bad. The food and service were worth every penny. Sam was my waitress, and there was another shorter lady with very short hair there as well. They were both great. Even the cook came out and gave us great service. I can’t wait for my next trip to Mobile to try the breakfast. Almost makes me want to move to Mobile… Almost.

Jody Swaney

The food was really good. I had the fried chicken sandwich with Franks Hot sauce. We set outside and had our well behaved dog with us. It was very pleasant. The waitress was kind and attentive even though the place was full of customers.

john B

This was a great find foe my breakfast today on my road trip. I had the shrimp and grits and it was amazing! I haven’t had grits in 40 years. Never like them. But thought it was time to give them another try. It was totally worth it. Great! And the staff was great too. Obviously this place has a big local following. They know everyone that comes in so the food and surroundings must be a draw. Totally recommend this place

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263 St Francis St, Mobile, AL 36602, United States