Churrascaria Marques Grill Valley Falls SC
Churrascaria Marques Grill Description
Churrascaria Marques Grill in Valley Falls SC falls under the category of Restaurants in Valley Falls SC with a rating of 4 by users. Churrascaria Marques Grill located at 88 Broad St, Cumberland, RI 02864, United States. Churrascaria Marques Grill Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -71.3912289, latitude — 41.9013804.
Churrascaria Marques Grill operates from . For more information, please call on (401) 725-1400 or visit Churrascaria Marques Grill Website. If you have ever been to Churrascaria Marques Grill, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Churrascaria Marques Grill
Reviews of Churrascaria Marques Grill
Paulo Traleira
If you're looking to try something different or like Portuguese food, this is a great place to go. It's not that big of a place but it has usually been busy when I go (always a good sign). The food is great and the portions are typical Portuguese style...more than enough.
Had the pork and beans (feijoada) tasted like it was old, almost no pork in it, mostly fat. The rice was microwaveable rice you buy at the store, everything was just lacking any freshness. I can honestly say that the only good part of this afternoon meal was the bottled beer which is pretty pathetic
Edmond Shabo
the service is good and the people that work there are very friendly. The food was tasty and fresh, plus they have a good variety! I recommend this place if you're looking for some good Portuguese food in Cumberland!