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Forty Niner Restaurant Aiea HI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.5 with 964 reviews about Forty Niner Restaurant
City: Aiea HI

Forty Niner Restaurant Description

Forty Niner Restaurant in Aiea HI falls under the category of Restaurants in Aiea HI with a rating of 4.5 by users. Forty Niner Restaurant located at 4304, 98-110 Honomanu St, Aiea, HI 96701, United States. Forty Niner Restaurant Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -157.9370455, latitude — 21.379736.

Forty Niner Restaurant operates from . For more information, please call on (808) 484-1940 or visit Forty Niner Restaurant Website. If you have ever been to Forty Niner Restaurant, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Forty Niner Restaurant

Photo of Forty Niner Restaurant 1 Photo of Forty Niner Restaurant 2 Photo of Forty Niner Restaurant 3
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Reviews of Forty Niner Restaurant

Jay Goodman

No one is perfect, they messed up my order. But I will say, the ALOHA is flowing there. They fix it, got it right, and got to talk story too. Awesome, AWESOME food and worth every single second of your time to go there. Nicest people in the world. Would recommend this as a MUST VISIT.

Carla Kobashigawa

Order at the window for take out only. Free-seating outdoor option is available but will not have any service. For those that care or have conditions they are being mindful of, sign says staff will check for vaccine cards but my husband and I (and those we witnessed ordering while waiting for food) were never checked. The seats are well distanced. TIP: Come with your own wipes to clean down the tables and bottled water. Ordered the Ube Waffles - it comes as just the waffle so I had to add on a side of 2 eggs and bacon. The waffle has a slight chocolate-y taste with chunks of sweet potato inside and a slice on the outside. A very light drizzle of Ube syrup and powdered sugar left me wanting more syrup to combat the denseness of the waffle, though I still was very sugared out. My significant other ordered the "mean burrito" with the crispy grilled cheese crust (definitely recommend). For drinks, a coffee and a Green River. Coffee cup was small while the fountain drink cup was huge! Total ordered was ~$60, tax and tip included. The waffles are worth a try but for those that like a variety for breakfast, I'd opt for a meal instead of piecemeal ordering the way I did. Each side came in it's own box so I had 3 take out boxes which was a bit much.

Sandra Matsumoto

Love the old skool vibes here! Food was tasty and ready as soon as I got there (phone order). Staff was super friendly too. Highly recommended!

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4304, 98-110 Honomanu St, Aiea, HI 96701, United States