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Galloway Grille Eau Claire WI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4 with 578 reviews about Galloway Grille

Galloway Grille Description

Galloway Grille in Eau Claire WI falls under the category of Restaurants in Eau Claire WI with a rating of 4 by users. Galloway Grille located at 409 Galloway St, Eau Claire, WI 54701, United States. Galloway Grille Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -91.5007574, latitude — 44.8143658.

Galloway Grille operates from . For more information, please call on (715) 514-0751 or visit Galloway Grille Website. If you have ever been to Galloway Grille, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Galloway Grille

Photo of Galloway Grille 1 Photo of Galloway Grille 2 Photo of Galloway Grille 3
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Reviews of Galloway Grille

John Pederson

This is a tougher review to write. We were there on a late Sunday afternoon when they weren't all that busy. We were greeted warmly and seated right away. Our waitress was new and it seemed that she wasn't getting the support at the bar that she needed. There was a long delay in getting our drinks. To the point that we wondered if we should go to another place for food. In the end, we ordered and received our food in a reasonable amount of time. The food was quite tasty and they had some unique offerings.

Shane Abing

Tried this place again after 2 years. Worse then EVER. DO NOT COME HERE!!!!! Must have a new cook or something. Went in Friday for fish and the fried fish was over cooked and the pan fried fish was under seasoned. Also the “buffalo chicken sandwich” is not worth the money. It’s two TINY most battered chicken strips on a soggy bun with soggy lettuce and no buffalo sauce.... there was literally more lettuce onion and tomato on it then chicken. Usually would recommend this place but clearly something major has changed. I’d look around or be careful what you order. Burgers have always been great but scared to go back with the recent change in food. One time I was here and the waiter literally left and never came back a bartender had to take care of us. Haven’t seen him back though. A “side” of veggies was literally to small pieces or zucchini. A kids meal side of fruit was literally a half an orange that where dried out and not edible. Visited again recently...STAY AWAY FROM THE STEAK SANDWICH. They use literally an entire raw onion and old chunks of fatty steak. Pan fried walleye was good though atleast!


Straight heat. A guy online said it’s the best Ruben from Minneapolis to Milwaukee. And he was not wrong! Amazing cake too!

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409 Galloway St, Eau Claire, WI 54701, United States