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Hubbard Avenue Diner Middleton WI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.5 with 2249 reviews about Hubbard Avenue Diner

Hubbard Avenue Diner Description

Hubbard Avenue Diner in Middleton WI falls under the category of Restaurants in Middleton WI with a rating of 4.5 by users. Hubbard Avenue Diner located at 7445 Hubbard Ave, Middleton, WI 53562, United States. Hubbard Avenue Diner Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -89.5107156, latitude — 43.0952061.

Hubbard Avenue Diner operates from . For more information, please call on (608) 831-6800 or visit Hubbard Avenue Diner Website. If you have ever been to Hubbard Avenue Diner, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Hubbard Avenue Diner

Photo of Hubbard Avenue Diner 1 Photo of Hubbard Avenue Diner 2 Photo of Hubbard Avenue Diner 3
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Reviews of Hubbard Avenue Diner

Paul Quella (PQ5876)

There was nothing special this time. Good meatloaf meal with veggies and mash potatoes. Gravey is just right. No dessert this time. It was not busy at all for a Tuesday. Still clean place and nice booths. Also, we had soup of the day and grilled cheese. It looks like it could use a decor refresh through.


While ordering. I asked if they could hold my pancakes for a 5 minutes. The server was not sure. She checked. Came back and said they could hold in the window. Which would be that the pancakes would be dried out or another could have the chance to take by mistake. So I said just bring them out. So now I will have cold pancakes because I like to eat my eggs and other items before my pancakes. Server tried for me. I appreciate that. My hashbrowns were not even warm. Plus my pancakes are already cold. This is wrong. I am thinking that our food was sitting in the window to long. When I said something. Our server requested another order. I was trying to eat faster so I could actually eat my pancakes. I bit my tongue. So I didn't even finish my food. I feel they could have waited 5 minutes to make my pancakes. This negative review would not have happened and my tongue would not have happened. Just a disrespectful.

Kiley Weber

Hubbard Avenue Diner is a local restaurant and is part of the food fight restaurant group. Food Fight is a locally owned/operated restaurant group with unique and diverse restaurants in the greater Madison area. The Diner makes all of their desserts in house and are absolutely to die for, some flavors rotate seasonally and some stick around year round. I highly suggest the Duo of Silk pie if you enjoy chocolate and peanut butter. The blueberry cheesecake and the key lime pie are also delicious. The Diner has great tasting food and is the typical diner/breakfast foods.

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7445 Hubbard Ave, Middleton, WI 53562, United States