Laniakea Café Kalaoa HI
Laniakea Café Description
Laniakea Café in Kalaoa HI falls under the category of Restaurants in Kalaoa HI with a rating of 3 by users. Laniakea Café located at 73-200 Kupipi St, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740, United States. Laniakea Café Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -156.0410942, latitude — 19.7354144.
Laniakea Café operates from . For more information, please call on (808) 329-1477 or visit Laniakea Café Website. If you have ever been to Laniakea Café, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Laniakea Café
Reviews of Laniakea Café
Lanan Clark
Had a drink at the bar at the, airport during a very busy day. Michelle, behind the bar, was so kind and so accommodating. What a pleasant person she is. Please recognize her in whatever way Excellence is recognized in your business. So appreciate wonderful service.
Jordan Christensen
It’s 2:45pm and the online sites, as well as the hours posted, indicate that this restaurant should be open. I walked in, hadn’t said a word, and the manager screamed “We’re closed!!”, but other people had just walked in and sat down 🤔 After reading the reviews about this place, it sounds like the likelihood of choking on the food is pretty high. If that’s the case, personally, I wouldn’t want the karma that comes with treating your customers that way. What a wonderful “aloha” welcome to Hawaii. Tbh, if you’re hungry, I’d just stay that way until you come across a different restaurant.
Nice spot to pick up some food while waiting for your flight. Very Pricey for what you get. Even non alcoholic drinks are 2x what they normally cost outside of the airport.