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Lime Chelsea AL

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 5 with 20 reviews about Lime
City: Chelsea AL

Lime Description

Lime in Chelsea AL falls under the category of Restaurants in Chelsea AL with a rating of 5 by users. Lime located at 73 Winnisimmet St, Chelsea, MA 02150, United States. Lime Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -71.0396514, latitude — 42.3880889.

Lime operates from . For more information, please call on (617) 466-0730 or visit Lime Website. If you have ever been to Lime, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Lime

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Reviews of Lime

Leslie W

Beautiful space with welcoming staff. The menu is filled with the familiar and the new. The wings are a symphony of flavor and the lime burger could easily be at home at an expensive steak house. Like steak on a bun. Great wine list with some interesting wines you won’t find elsewhere in the neighborhood. They even have mead. The cocktail list was a real surprise. Excellent selection of spirits and thoughtfully designed cocktails. Lime is definitely going to be a place I go to regularly!

Laura Taylor

This is a gem of a restaurant in Chelsea. If you live in the neighborhood, consider yourself lucky and if you don’t, then consider making a stop here. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming, the service is genuine and attentive, the drink menu is fun, and the food is delicious. There’s something for everyone on the menu - from a burger to vegetarian options. The wine and cocktail list is thoughtful and gave us a chance to try a few new things (try the “corn and oil” drink!). We chose the white bean soup for starters and then had the seared cod with clams and the salmon with Vietnamese sweet potato (perfectly cooked and what must be considered a signature dish!). We left no crumbs on the plates and look forward to returning to try more of the menu. A perfect spot to “lime” with your friends and family.

Lois Contreras Gutierrez

Lime gets my flavortown award 🏆! Each dish was just incredible. You can tell the menu was well thought out. The ingredients were fresh and the flavors bold. I recommend trying as many things off the menu. The wings were my favorite and the seared tofu a must try. Definitely worth a visit.

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73 Winnisimmet St, Chelsea, MA 02150, United States