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Locally Sauced Yarmouth ME

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 56 reviews about Locally Sauced

Locally Sauced Description

Locally Sauced in Yarmouth ME falls under the category of Restaurants in Yarmouth ME with a rating of 4.6 by users. Locally Sauced located at 30 Forest Falls Dr, Yarmouth, ME 04096, United States. Locally Sauced Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -70.1842944, latitude — 43.8045106.

Locally Sauced operates from . For more information, please call on (207) 847-3035 or visit Locally Sauced Website. If you have ever been to Locally Sauced, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Locally Sauced

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Reviews of Locally Sauced

Patrick Loring

The food was amazing. They were out of the brisket so I will have to go back because I did hear from multiple people that it is the best. That being said, the Mac & Cheese was the best thing I had....Holy smokes its good! Every drink we got was great as well, I recommend the homemade gin Fresca!

Joshua Gerry

We just discovered this place and found that Locally Sauced has some incredible food! We have been going to nearby Bruce's Burritos over the years, but they were closed this particular day and so our search led us here, to be fair I honestly suggest supporting both places because they each offer great food with great service and they do so with their own dining focus and culinary flair. I'm not much for writing reviews, as life is busy enough, but I try to do so when a place is truly outstanding. I recommend taking just a minute to read "The Story", the short section on the Locally Sauced website, where you'll read what they're all about and learn of their 'small burrito cart' history... which leads us back to the main subject on this review; burritos! We ordered the Traditional Burrito (with steak and Carolina sauce) and also the Brisket Burrito, both were unique and exceptionally good burritos. We also got a side of their crispy Hand-Cut Fries, and some of their Blueberry Chipotle sauce to try, these were also excellent! Our server was friendly and provided fantastic service, their recommendations were very helpful too, such as the Blueberry Chipotle sauce being delicious but not pairing as well with the flavors of the Brisket Burrito as the included sauce does. Our server also gave a good overview at the outset as to how they operate, explaining that their take-out is unfortunately hit-or-miss depending on the day, they have one cook and they focus on a quality dine-in experience and so if they are really busy then they can't realistically do take-out in addition to that. The pricing was a little higher than we're used to for this genre, but it is justified when you understand all the work and love that goes into their food (such as growing some ingredients in their own greenhouse). We very much look forward to eating here again and will definitely be recommending it!

Kasey Marsters

Fantastic brisket burrito! Excellent portion. Super tasty margarita. Loved that there was only 1 TV - great experience.

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30 Forest Falls Dr, Yarmouth, ME 04096, United States