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Mr. P's Pizzeria Lewes DE

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.5 with 651 reviews about Mr. P's Pizzeria
City: Lewes DE

Mr. P's Pizzeria Description

Mr. P's Pizzeria in Lewes DE falls under the category of Restaurants in Lewes DE with a rating of 4.5 by users. Mr. P's Pizzeria located at 1004 Kings Hwy, Lewes, DE 19958, United States. Mr. P's Pizzeria Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -75.146073, latitude — 38.760997.

Mr. P's Pizzeria operates from . For more information, please call on (302) 645-1900 or visit Mr. P's Pizzeria Website. If you have ever been to Mr. P's Pizzeria, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Mr. P's Pizzeria

Photo of Mr. P's Pizzeria 1 Photo of Mr. P's Pizzeria 2 Photo of Mr. P's Pizzeria 3
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Reviews of Mr. P's Pizzeria

Darlene Calhoun

We were going to have dinner there and saw a sign saying cash only /ATM Inside. Sorry folks but something is not right with that at a restaurant . Most restaurants have credit cards so this just looks shady to me. If course we left and went to Pat's Restaurant and as always they have great food and deliver when you want to eat at home. We just wanted to try a new place . The food may good but we will never know.

David Camorali D.D.S.

I've been on the lookout to find a better pizza ever since I moved here in late 2019. Today I tried Mr. P's. It's common knowledge that they only accept cash for payment and they have an ATM inside. That's Ok and I was looking forward to a great wood-fired pizza. I ordered a large pepperoni pizza and waited the 15 minutes. It was ready on- time. The girl at the counter was happy and friendly and it was all- round a nice experience. Now the pizza. I wish I could say more but the crust was doughy and the pizza dry, not much sauce or cheese. It's not bad, it's not good. I did not eat -in so I can't tell you about that experience. I will continue my search for good pizza here in Lower Slower.

jean valjean

The greatest pizza in the neighborhood made in a wood fire oven. In a flight of five glasses, you can select whatever beer you like. The staff is polite. The atmosphere is relaxed.

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1004 Kings Hwy, Lewes, DE 19958, United States