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Noble Crust St. Petersburg FL

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 3064 reviews about Noble Crust

Noble Crust Description

Noble Crust in St. Petersburg FL falls under the category of Restaurants in St. Petersburg FL with a rating of 4.6 by users. Noble Crust located at 8300 4th St N, St. Petersburg, FL 33702, United States. Noble Crust Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -82.6390019, latitude — 27.8478958.

Noble Crust operates from . For more information, please call on (727) 329-6041 or visit Noble Crust Website. If you have ever been to Noble Crust, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Noble Crust

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Reviews of Noble Crust

Scott Williams

It’s 10/10. The food is delicious, hot & savory. They put cheese inside of the garlic knots… incredible. The service was great and the food came out so quick. Huge recommend on the fried wings! Noble Crust is an instant favorite, we’ll be back to try everything else!


Wow. Actual wow. If you don’t eat here you made the wrong move. The fried green tomato app is wild and amazing. I had the eggplant , no exaggeration best I’ve ever had. Buddy had the friend chicken… there is a reason it’s random and it’s own little box. Can’t beat it.

Karen Cangero

We were here from brunch on a Sunday. It was quite crowded and they can put a lot more people than it looks like into the dining space at Noble Crust. The menu struck me as strange. It is very lunch dish heavy. I think brunch menus are usually more balanced or tend to favor breakfast items. I also realize that I prefer that ultimately. A lot of their breakfast items are Benedict's. I cannot eat uncooked egg yolks, so my choices were very limited. Ultimately, I chose the chicken and waffles, a dish I've never had before. Children of the 70s, like me, will understand when I say that the chicken was like Kentucky Fried Chicken back in the day when it was good and tasty and a real treat. This chicken was huge and tender. The coating was thick and crispy and flavorful, so well seasoned. From the first bite, I was mesmerized. It pained me to share with everybody else at my table, but I had to let them taste. My daughter was astonished that Kentucky Fried Chicken was ever anything anyone ate. That chicken really saved this review. Because, to be honest, there were aspects about our visit that would normally result in a three star review at best. The waffle underneath the chicken was incredibly soggy. It wound up not being a problem because there was so much food I took most of the chicken and the entire waffle home. I got it to crisp up at home, so I did enjoy the whole dish eventually. They were out of orange juice. At 11:00 on a Sunday morning, send someone to get orange juice if you don't have it and you are running a brunch restaurant. They were also out of takeout containers, but thankfully our waiter scrounged one up for me. I was taking that home no matter what. Service was attentive. Everyone enjoyed their food. I didn't get to taste anyone else's because it all had raw yolks. We were in the back room, which is really a large tent. It's loud and crowded, but was cooler than I anticipated it being on a very hot Florida day. All in all, we had a nice meal. And a good time. Noble Crust is good in my opinion, not great. I would go back, but I wouldn't ask to specifically.

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8300 4th St N, St. Petersburg, FL 33702, United States