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Rollie's Bar and Grill Belfast ME

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.2 with 1017 reviews about Rollie's Bar and Grill
City: Belfast ME

Rollie's Bar and Grill Description

Rollie's Bar and Grill in Belfast ME falls under the category of Restaurants in Belfast ME with a rating of 4.2 by users. Rollie's Bar and Grill located at 37 Main St, Belfast, ME 04915, United States. Rollie's Bar and Grill Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -69.005997, latitude — 44.427411.

Rollie's Bar and Grill operates from . For more information, please call on (207) 338-4502 or visit Rollie's Bar and Grill Website. If you have ever been to Rollie's Bar and Grill, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Rollie's Bar and Grill

Photo of Rollie's Bar and Grill 1 Photo of Rollie's Bar and Grill 2 Photo of Rollie's Bar and Grill 3
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Reviews of Rollie's Bar and Grill

Robin Boardman

Had a lovely fish and chips lunch here, received a nice large piece of fresh haddock and a massive pile of straight cut fries. Food was delicious and the staff were friendly and attentive. Definitely will go back when I can sample the selection of beers on tap.

Rod Marble

As a single Dad and a lover of great local food and businesses, I try and hit places that can accommodate myself, my daughter(16) and my twins(7). Last yr on our adventures we decided to stop at Rollie's. The place was pretty busy with locals and tourists (post pandemic 2021) the waitress was amazing, she was great with the kids and wasn't rushed to take an order and make a get away. Excellent food, burgers and wings. Fast forward to mother's day 5/8/22 Kids and I on our adventures hit Rollie's at the time they open the doors. Slow start not a lot of rushing or overly crowded. Our previous waitress was the bartender and this time we had a non-child friendly waitress, whom seemed overwhelmed with children at the table, as well as rushed(not busy). Wing day!!!! Dollar wings kids wanted six apiece that was super confusing for the overwhelmed waitress whom already had no patience when first approached our table. Food arrives waitress is non existent! Never checked on us or asked if we needed anything else. I was super disappointed with the service and lack of professionalism and courtesy. If you have children I'd think twice about Sundays and taking your chances on getting a bad experience from what usually has great customer service. I was embarrassed to think of her treating tourists in the same manner throughout tourist season. However the food was great, this kids were full and the tip was appropriate for the lack of service, and basic human decency.

Heather Mathews

I have been a local all my life. Last 3 times ordering food we were less then impressed with the quality this place has taken. Went today to try one more time. Waited 1 hour for two sandwiches and other people that came in after us and got same meal got there’s before us Not at all the waitresses fault I would say they need to get some more cooks downstairs that can cook faster then my 10 year old. LI will never come here again that was our last try. And see didnt even get want we ordered.

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37 Main St, Belfast, ME 04915, United States