Russell Catering Lewisburg TN
Russell Catering Description
Russell Catering in Lewisburg TN falls under the category of Restaurants in Lewisburg TN with a rating of 4.4 by users. Russell Catering located at 220 Water St, Lewisburg, TN 37091, United States. Russell Catering Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -86.7896111, latitude — 35.4512778.
Russell Catering operates from . For more information, please call on (931) 359-1902 or visit Russell Catering Website. If you have ever been to Russell Catering, share your experience with other users and write a review.
Photos of Russell Catering
Reviews of Russell Catering
Abigail Lynn
Sweet ladies and home-cooked food.
Very good place to eat. Great atmosphere.
Kane Howard
Ate there this past Sunday... Food and service was great! Normally people get the fried chicken and grilled chicken too dry, but they did not! The chicken was cooked just right! They had a good variety of food as well. Will definitely be going again.