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Sheryl's Club 175 Richfield WI

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.4 with 611 reviews about Sheryl's Club 175

Sheryl's Club 175 Description

Sheryl's Club 175 in Richfield WI falls under the category of Restaurants in Richfield WI with a rating of 4.4 by users. Sheryl's Club 175 located at 3545 WI-175, Slinger, WI 53086, United States. Sheryl's Club 175 Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -88.258495, latitude — 43.309956.

Sheryl's Club 175 operates from . For more information, please call on (262) 644-1750 or visit Sheryl's Club 175 Website. If you have ever been to Sheryl's Club 175, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Sheryl's Club 175

Photo of Sheryl's Club 175 1 Photo of Sheryl's Club 175 2 Photo of Sheryl's Club 175 3
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Reviews of Sheryl's Club 175

Ashley Weske

This is one of my favorite spots to go. The bartenders are friendly and make some delicious drinks. Their food is amazing and they have a ton of different options to choose from on there menu. Plus they have there daily drink and food specials too. Bloodiest are amazing here on Sundays! Definitely a spot worth checking out.

Steven Schwarz

There's a lot that can be done to improve this place. The sad part is the facility is actually quite nice. They don't isolate the loud music from the rest of the bar. There's no escape from the noise unless you go outside, and in winter that just doesn't happen. The staff is always really nice, and they have plenty of T.V.'s around for watching sports and such. The crowd that hangs out there is sometimes less than desirable, but more often than not there's not a problem. This review is subject to change on the account of changes to the bar. UPDATE: They still tend to have loud music which can make conversing with people difficult, but they've done a lot to make the atmosphere more family friendly during the day. Update 2021: The music has only gotten louder. People go out with friends to drink and converse. There's just no talking over the absurdly loud music anymore. Take the feedback here and do something about it. There's just way too much noise. It's one thing to play music, but there has to be somewhere to escape to just to talk to people, and outside isn't an option with Wisconsin winters.

Rex Voge

I love Sheryl's club. I've never had a bad time. Food is amazing and the service is excellent. Wing night Wednesday is a must go. 12 wings with bourbon sauce and mac n cheese bites is the best.

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3545 WI-175, Slinger, WI 53086, United States