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T J's Cafe Grandview MO

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 1366 reviews about T J's Cafe

T J's Cafe Description

T J's Cafe in Grandview MO falls under the category of Restaurants in Grandview MO with a rating of 4.6 by users. T J's Cafe located at 12408 Blue Ridge Blvd, Grandview, MO 64030, United States. T J's Cafe Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -94.5333857, latitude — 38.8998671.

T J's Cafe operates from . For more information, please call on (816) 966-8500 or visit T J's Cafe Website. If you have ever been to T J's Cafe, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of T J's Cafe

Photo of T J's Cafe 1 Photo of T J's Cafe 2 Photo of T J's Cafe 3
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Reviews of T J's Cafe

Ericka Contreras

Excellent home cooking. I'm so glad I took a chance on this place. I will be back anytime I come to town. It's food you cook at home but may not have time to. So, it's good as a substitute when you're tired and still want a good, home cooked meal. Comfort food! Love this place!

Melinda Fraser

ALWAYS great food and service, but...... Went in 10/23/20. Asked for Carrot Cake which they had in the dessert case, but wouldn't sell it to me because they had not sold out of their Mocha Cake. What sense does it make to have a food item someone wants, but you won't sell it to a customer that asks and is going to pay for it? You can't make this stuff up. If my business is not wanted enough to sell me a piece of cake you have, then you lost my business.

Bruce Johnson

This is the kind of diner I grew up with in the small town I'm from. The food is great but it's the staff that makes it feel like home. They know you by name. Feels, and tastes like home!

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12408 Blue Ridge Blvd, Grandview, MO 64030, United States