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Ci Siamo New York City NY

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 248 reviews about Ci Siamo

Ci Siamo Description

Ci Siamo in New York City NY falls under the category of Restaurants in New York City NY with a rating of 4.6 by users. Ci Siamo located at 440 W 33rd St Suite #100, New York, NY 10001, United States. Ci Siamo Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -73.9989141, latitude — 40.7526152.

Ci Siamo operates from . For more information, please call on (212) 219-6559 or visit Ci Siamo Website. If you have ever been to Ci Siamo, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Ci Siamo

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Reviews of Ci Siamo

Kyle McDonald

Best kept secret and close to the “new” Penn Station, aka Moynihan Train Hall. I recently stopped by Ci Siamo for some after root cocktails with a friend. The entry level is breathtaking, especially that staircase. Once on the second floor, I was delighted to see a well manned host desk. They were able to sit us immediately and even had room at the bar. The dinner scene was lively and the dining room was pretty full! The bartenders are top notch and make some delicious cocktails. Kudos to the bartender who served me because I didn’t know what exactly I wanted but I knew I wanted tequila and mint. Will certainly come back again soon!

Gabriel Portilla

First I’d like to say that the food was pretty good. However, the service was just weird. And there was a very strong smell of smoke permeating the restaurant, enough that we had to shower when we got home. Maybe there was something wrong with their ventilation? We weren’t offered drinks while we waited for our table. And once we sat and ordered drinks they came after we had eaten our appetizer. The main course portions were huge, and we left more than half of the pork and some of the steak, and half of the beans. We asked to take the leftovers home, but somehow only a small piece of pork made it. Overall the experience was basically like eating at Five Napkin for a lot more money and some more interesting dishes.

David H

It’s always very nice going to a restaurant and trying something that tastes like nothing you’ve had before, and perhaps inspires your future cooking. Ci Siamo has a lovely menu and is a great restaurant. The beans were the most interesting thing I ate. Everything else was great too, but really try them beans!

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440 W 33rd St Suite #100, New York, NY 10001, United States