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Modern Malt Syracuse UT

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.2 with 1242 reviews about Modern Malt

Modern Malt Description

Modern Malt in Syracuse UT falls under the category of Restaurants in Syracuse UT with a rating of 4.2 by users. Modern Malt located at 325 S Clinton St, Syracuse, NY 13202, United States. Modern Malt Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -76.1532649, latitude — 43.0480135.

Modern Malt operates from . For more information, please call on (315) 471-6258 or visit Modern Malt Website. If you have ever been to Modern Malt, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Modern Malt

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Reviews of Modern Malt

Kayla Myers

Found this place with a quick google search for breakfast Spots in Syracuse and it did not disappoint. The server was extremely pleasant and attentive. I went with one other person and we got the drink flight and they were all delicious! it was hard to choose an absolute favorite. For food we ordered tater tots and waffles. I had the waffles with alcohol infused strawberry and strawberry shortcake toppings I believe with whip cream. To me, the waffles were very sweet when you include the butter, so syrup definitely isn't necessary. The only downside to this restaurant was this it is loud. The environment is lively - it feels a little as though you have to shout to the person/people you are with. however overall, we had a wonderful experience and would definitely consider eating outside next time.

Nicholas Currado

I made a mistake when I ordered but the server took care of it so thats cool.

Noelle Thompson

So I'm giving three stars because I could tell that this restaurant has potential my waitress were kind but not so bright the simplest requests were not understood then I ordered some fluffy waffles they end up being hard and crunchy but my eggs were great it would be nice if they had more meat options not just pork everything we are living in the age where there's a lot more people that don't eat pork or even meet at all they should have vegan options with veggie meat and turkey sausage turkey bacon beef sausage beef bacon I was just a bit disappointed because I was told this was like a fancy breakfast restaurant

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325 S Clinton St, Syracuse, NY 13202, United States