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Pastabilities Syracuse UT

Restaurants Near Me Guide found user rating of 4.6 with 2694 reviews about Pastabilities

Pastabilities Description

Pastabilities in Syracuse UT falls under the category of Restaurants in Syracuse UT with a rating of 4.6 by users. Pastabilities located at 311 S Franklin St, Syracuse, NY 13202, United States. Pastabilities Geographic Coordinates: longitude — -76.155406, latitude — 43.048302.

Pastabilities operates from . For more information, please call on (315) 474-1153 or visit Pastabilities Website. If you have ever been to Pastabilities, share your experience with other users and write a review.

Photos of Pastabilities

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Reviews of Pastabilities

Josh Alley

Pastabilities is a Syracuse institution for good reason. Always, always receive warm and friendly service here. The food is outstanding. Their stretch bread with spicy tomato oil is to die for, and their pastas are always really good. The ambiance inside the restaurant is also solid. Once you try them they'll become a staple of your dining routine. Love them!

Donald Martell

Great food and great service, Lakin was a really good server who helped my girlfriend and I with everything extra we decided on. Had a chocolate brownie w/ ice cream for dessert that was brilliant. I can see why this is many people's favorite restaurant. Definitely going back. As a side note, they can get very busy so I recommend arriving around the time they open for dinner - 4pm. Should get seated with no issue.

Captain Sky

My initial concern was the pricing. Everything was expensive but the more I read the menu the faster I realized most of it was made in house. Most of the noodles and all the sauces, plus the bread too. This is a great spot to grab some dinner with a date or hang with some friends too. The food is fire but the prices are high, however it is worth it because it's so good. Everything is amazing including the customer service as well. I was greeted with a smiling server and plenty of refills on my water. So all in all, good good good food. Keep it up pastabilities team👍🏻.

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311 S Franklin St, Syracuse, NY 13202, United States